Yes, folks. It's time for YET ANOTHER Photo essay. Have you caught on? It's easier than actually writing.
So, after we were shuffled out of the ambassador's house after our swearing-in ceremony we were deixar-ed (left, dropped off) on the street for about 2 hours before being herded to our hotels. And what a hotel it was. This is the view in my room. The Desert Room. Or, as I liked to call it "The Sultan Suite"
see? Random claw-foot tub in the middle of the room. It didn't have any plumbing and as near as I could tell it was blocking ALL the doors.
I won the rock-paper-scissors battle for this bed. Yes, that's a gold, shiny, spandex bed spread.
After leaving the Sultan Suite (and I did protest) we were chapa'd to Beline. A lovely beach-resort town in Gaza Province. This is the beach there.
I found these dead animals there. Unfortunately, Mimi sat on my urchin, so it didn't make it all the way to Mboa-city. At least I got a picture first.
I drank this rusty beer. It's my favorite brand. It's kind of like... Guinness?
The Maputo Province crew.
Some of the Southlandia! crew up to Beach Hijinx
We didn't ONLY play on the beach. We also had 2 days of conferences with our new School Directors about rules (wear a bike helmet! take showers every day!) and paperwork and officialy type stuff.
Early the next morning they picked us up and took us to our sites. This is my NewBestFriend. He's sitting here waiting for his Chapa to take him to his site. This is what a PCV and all their stuff looks like.
In other news: I'm getting a new kitten tomorrow. Serge, my bestneighborfriend, found someone who has a ton of gatinos and he asked if I could have one. Yes!
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