Monday, March 18, 2013

Why is it So Hot Still?

I heard that winter was coming.  It's a true fact. It comes once a year to Mozambique, and it's scheduled to make its arrival ANY DAY NOW.  Unfortunately, I'm STILL hot.

Sorry for all the Rude Complaining folks.  You see, my life is so awesome I don't have anything else to complain about but the weather.

Here's a recap of my last week:

1)  My neighbor made me get out of bed at 8am on Friday morning so that she could help me finish my landscaping (ie: enxading my back yard).
2)  I think I undid the damage I did last week when I convinced all my students that their ears would turn to bone:

"So, you know how babies have to be carried around in capulanas?  They can't walk, so you have to strap them on your back?  That's right, babies can't do anything! They're useless!  It's because their bones are made of cartilaginous tissue.  TOUCH YOUR EARS.  Your ears are made of cartilage.  Cartilage turns to bone"  ((What did I already tell this story?  Sorry if you've heard this one before))  So I spent some time setting the record straight.

3) A mysterious student showed up in one of my night classes.  He was not like the others.  He paid attention, gave reasonable answers to questions (IE: answers that made sense.  When faced with the questions "What is the function of x?" Students often respond "It is a thing that is made of Y!" No you guys, no  no no. ) and even asked me to explain things he didn't understand.  I don't know who he is or where he came from but I love him dearly and I want him to be in ALL my classes.

4) I spent the weekend living it up in the BigCity.  Here's a photo essay.

First I went to Kim's house Very Early In the Morning. 
Kim's School

We caught a chapa and went to the big city.  We went to the Peace Corps office and enjoyed some air conditioning.
We read Time magazines that were only 2 months old!!!!  We listened to ALOT of MeatLoaf videos on Youtube.  This is a secret but Kim and I are preparing a duet of "I Will do Anything for (Sitemate) Love" to preform at our reconnect conference next month.  Shhhhhhhhhhh
Then we met up with my new best-friend, the Italian-German-Brazilian that I met on the chapa back to our Training Village a few weeks ago.  We ate THE BEST CHICKEN IN MOZAMBIQUE.  Seriously.  Seriously.  Then we climbed 100 flights of stairs to his apartment.  See all these giant buildings?  yeah, I bet NONE of them have elevators.
My friend's apartment is conveniently located near THE BEST CHICKEN IN MOZAMBIQUE, and also this store (see the red plastic boxes?) that sells beverages.  Unfortunately there were 1,000,000 stairs between us and that store. 

The inside of my friend's super sheeky apartment.  FURNITURE.  No Roaches.  RUNNING WATER.  It was like we were in a different country.  Kim & I spent an obnoxious amount of time saying "OMG you have XXXX!!!!???"  My friend is going to come visit me in the country soon and I'll show him how we cook on the back porch and haul water.  

The next morning we were supposed to go on a boat-hitch-hiking-adventure to an Island with an old Prison and Leper colony (PROBABLY HAUNTED!) But the weather was crummy so instead we went to a post-apocalyptic park.

It was like an episode of "World Without People"  Or, What happens to the botanical gardens that are abandoned for 25 years.

Then we went to the Mozambique Geology Museum!  

They had ALL the rocks.

Then I went back to my little town..... 

In other news, the first Trimester is coming to a close....I don't know how much my students have actually learned, but we're getting BETTER at understanding each other.  Little by little as they like to say here in the Moz.

1 comment:

  1. so cool. make sure to take lots of pictures if you ever make it out to the old leper colony!
