Monday, March 11, 2013

In which a fire extinguisher blows off the wall, or sometimes a storm is more than just a storm

Winter is coming.  It's nearly the first day of Fall here in the Southern Hemisphere and mercifully, finally, the weather is cooling off.  On Thursday evening  I was teaching the last period of Afternoon-School when a storm started up on the horizon.  Relampago (lightning) and Trovao (thunder) made my lesson irrelevant.  I think this happened to the other professors too because soon there were wild hoards of students roaming the sidewalks outside my classroom.  Hollering through the door "Esta as horas!" (it's time to go home!) or banging on the classroom window TROUVOUADA!!!  But I perservered because we were in the middle of an exciting game of Bone Bingo.

After the Afternoon-School I had a half hour before Night-School.  During this break it started raining and I chased a very confused bat off the sidewalk in front of my house much to the delight of Vito and Avo.  Then, I put on my Bata and headed to class again.

Class went alright for the first 30 minutes, then the power started going on and off. By the end of the second period of Night-School the wind and rain started really picking up.  The power went on and off again a few more times.  A fire extinguisher blew off the wall in front of the classrooms.  The metal trash-bins relocated themselves.

I made it through the end of the second period before the power went off for good.  The students were smart and had flashlights with them, but I didn't think far enough ahead and had to braille-trail my way back to my house.  I found some of those trash-bins with my shins.  Others I avoided because of the strobe-light effect of the lightning.

The storm was bad.  It was reeeal bad, you guys.  It was definitely in the top 5 of all the storms I've seen in my life.  I hope all my students made it home safely...

I made it back to my house without any major injuries and managed to catch 40L of rain water (I'm going to be drinking gooooood for the next few weeks you guys!)  

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