Sunday, January 6, 2013

Behold....I made a sandwich

I wouldn't say that I'm bored.  No.   I have a lot (a lot) of time on my hands these days.  My only responsibility is the care and feeding of myself, and my kitten.  To say that I'm enjoying it is an understatement.  I LOVE my Africa life.  It's been years since I had so much time to myself without guilt.  So what DO I do you may be asking yourself.

Today, these are the things I've done:

Woke up around 6:30.  Laid in bed, tried to sleep more.  Didn't work.  So, I got out of bed and made myself some coffee.  I updated my blog for a while (because I have internet today.  Normal mornings I would read my Kindle for a while--I'm reading Game of Thrones right now).  Usually I drink my coffee really slowly because once that's gone I have no excuse to just sit around anymore and I try to do something productive.  So I draaaaaaaag that coffee out as long as possible.  I made a list of things I wanted to accomplish today.  I put "Bathe" on that list.

When my coffee was done and my blog was updated, I wandered around my house for a few minutes.  I fed my kitten.  I cleaned up a little bit.  I peeked into my water filter (need to collect some more fresh water from Kim's house--put that on my list).  I settled back at my table and worked on some paperwork.  Serge came to my door to borrow something.  I read some Portuguese vocab lists.  I hauled water from my school's water tank.  There's this garden hose that hangs out and I have to mouth siphon the water.  Gross.  At least it's not as bad as Grad-school when I would have to mouth siphon water out of the fish tanks.  Ewwww.  Ok, I hauled 20 gallons of water.  Checked that off my list.

Then, I made the most glorious lunch that has ever been made in the history of Mozamlunches.  BEHOLD:  The Tomato Goddess:

I have so much patience these days.  So much.  I spent over half an hour making this sandwich.    In case you want to play along at home, here are some directions:

Fry an onion and some bejias (these are the bean patties that they sell in buckets outside the bread store.  I guess they're kind of like falafel)  Bleach a tomato.  Find the jar of mayonnaise. 

Put the mayonnaise on the bread.

Put the tomatoes on the mayonnaise

Put the rest of the stuff on the other stuff.
Best, Sandwich Ever.  When I return to the US I'm going to open a sandwich stand called Mozamsammwich.  I have two years to work on the menu.

So, okay, yeah.  I guess my life is pretty boring right now.  Are you asleep right now?  Wake up!  Because in 2 days TWO DAYS.  My school is starting and these easy relaxing days are coming to a screeching, terrifying halt.

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