Thursday, May 29, 2014

Ninjas are not Shy

I'm re-posting these because apparently there were problems with the last post. 

We climbed to the top of this hill and sat in the shade reading the Wild book about the lady who hiked the PCT with absolutely no idea about how to walk around carrying stuff. (Which should have been titled "Hiking the PCT: a more appropriate response to grief than shooting up heroin")  We're starting to making plans to hike the AT next year.  Exciting, right?

After a while we realized that these two little kids are putting on a show for us. They were peeking around the corner and then skittering away when we looked up.  Once they felt certain they had an audience they started coming around the corner while pretending to be various things.  A grandma with a cane, a juggler, a monkey...  

That was just the warm up though.  We were observing "Best of Mozambique as Preformed by Dramatic 7 year old" First, school time.  The little girl made her brother stand behind her while she held her arms straight at her sides, stared at the ground and sang the Hino National (national anthem) with 30% of the words correct.  

After the Hino she began imitating every Mozamauntie ever by yelling into the bushes at another friend that I couldn't see.

"Vai para casa, tomar banho!  Oviu?!"  (go home and take a bath, do you hear???)  She yelled over and over interspersed with various things in dialect that I did not understand.  

I never did see her friend, but the little girl and her brother dissapeared into the bushes and came back with THESE NINJA OUTFITS ON and proceeded to the grand finale.  A ninja battle.

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