Sunday, April 28, 2013

Tri Tri again

Well folks, it's the 2nd triimester here.  Lots of my students were pretty sad to learn that they didn't, in fact, pass biology last trimester.  And it is sad.  Some of them never bothered to show up for class, I don't feel so bad for them.  Then there's the kids who passed both the tests but never bothered to turn in homework.  I feel a bit bad for them.   It's hard for them to adjust to having an American teacher who expects things like...homework...when they're used to professors who sometimes don't even show up themselves.  That's okay, we have 2 more trimesters to figure this out and bring those grades up...  Also, there may or may not be funny things that go on behind the scenes in the other disciplines.  For example.  I know for a FACT that none of my students had a math teacher this trimester.  Yet, more of them passed math this trimester than passed biology.  I'm not going to think too hard about that...

In other news:  Avo got a pet moose in the mail from a good friend of mine in Miami

Then she gave him a weave
Now he is the most beautiful MozamMoose of all.

Amy came and spent a week in MboaCity with me.  

I had a chicken dinner with my site mate last night.  When we finish our boa-carne we just throw the bones on the floor and puffin gorges herself.  I won't have to feed her again for another week.  The concrete floor just soaks up the grease. 

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